Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 2 | Year 2014 | ISSN 2350-3637


Alenka Fikfak1, Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek2: The 2nd issue  Read more ...

1 Editor-in-charge / UL FA, 2 Editor-in-charge / UL FGG
The second issue of Igra ustvarjalnosti_Creativity Game is here. This is a journal that wants to embody the spirit of creativity, project-based learning, and relaxation, as well as implement this working method as part of scientific research. We believe that research is work, too – one that is measurable not only in numbers and parameters, but rather it is also based on principles and working methods where one needs to overcome the “empty mind” and the question where and how to begin. This type of research includes experiential research and creative problem solving, creative and critical thinking, by working on a problem or a creative project. This working method coincides with UNESCO’s Teaching and Learning Strategies programme. The UNESCO programme proposes eight important strategies: experiential learning, storytelling, values education, enquiry learning, appropriate assessment, future problem solving, learning outside the classroom and community problem solving. As a result, this issue is dedicated to research in PhD programmes, where each year’s new students bring new impetus and desire to explore the new and the unknown.
The second issue of IU_CG is thus intended for PhD students and their first experience in scientific research. Their visions and ideas are first presented in review articles, followed by various presentations. The topics reveal the diversity of the schools and study programmes included, such as: UL Faculty of Architecture, UL Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, UL Biotechnical Faculty, and the Vienna University of Technology. The range of PhD schools in Europe in the field is much greater than presented in this issue; however, this is only our second issue that will be followed by a third one where the basic vision of the journal will be further pursued with even greater international participation, based on an interplay of creativity, problem solving, and research. This is why the introduction emphasises the significance of studies at the doctoral as well as Bachelor’s, and Master’s levels. Throughout the course of studies, people’s personalities evolve by dealing with the problems in the built environment to create new visions of the future.

Irena Ostojič and Tadej Glažar drew attention to sustainable spatial planning, a generally accepted spatial planning principle which is, however, not fully included in the implementing rules of urban spatial management. In their paper they analyse the concepts at the local level on the example of intended land use. They present a set of criteria to assess the level of sustainability regarding the concepts of intended land use in urban areas.

Nuša Voda presents a method of recording and studying the existing settlement patterns in selected rural settlements, and identifies the connection between residential buildings and appertaining land. The existing development patterns in selected settlements (in the Pomurska region), and the relationships between land plots and residential buildings, and the adjacent land and residential buildings are discussed.

Mia Crnič presents the territory of Slovenia as a network of central places of various hierarchical levels. The topic exploring the impact of central settlements, their connections, characteristics, etc., has already been addressed by many researchers; however, Crnič discusses the possibility of classification criteria that would allow for grouping of central settlements into larger units with similar features according to the built and programme characteristics of public open spaces.

Anja Jutraž and Tadeja Zupančič show the importance of interdisciplinary research in architectural projects, the role of architects in the process, and the different methods of decision-making in interdisciplinary collaboration. The study is based on the AEC Global Teamwork Course established at Stanford University.

The scientific articles are followed by presentations of competitions, workshops, conferences, and Bachelor’s and Master’s theses – which is a new section in this issue. This part of the journal includes a selection of outstanding works from various study programmes in academic year 2013/2014. We feel that this section will present the vision that the students at Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral levels, and mentors are part of in our academic and teaching work.

Happy reading! The contributions for the next, third and thematic, issue of IU_CG issue are welcome. The combination of research and experiential work will remain the main theme of the journal. It will be published on the webpage in beginning of 2015.

Miha Dešman: Presentation: Five theses by the architecture students who graduated in the first half of 2014  Read more ...

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia
When the future students of architecture walk for the first time through the high doors under Plečnik’s portico supported by columns, i.e. a canopy and a temple at the same time, they can physically sense – if they are at all sensitive to the architectural message of the Classics – as if they had left their previous lives behind and entered the 'magic World of Architecture'. They have between five and eight years of studies ahead of them, leading (or not) to a diploma, the crown of studies at the faculty.

The study is conducted in classrooms and Design Studio art rooms amid the creative hustle and bustle; gradually, the dialectic nature of architecture is revealed to the student: between the present and the past, between the eternal and the ephemeral, between art and technique etc. The great lecture hall, the library, the basement café, the loft, and also the courtyard, the street and the city are the spaces where the students work, think, socialise and gradually build the skills and knowledge enabling them to imagine the yet non-existing buildings, to conceptualise and design the buildings and to command the overall building process.

The grand finale of the studies, the diploma, happens in a room with a large window and with the picture of the maestro on the wall – in Plečnik’s room where his books are locked behind the glass fronted cabinet. The classical and the contemporary, the perennial (perennis) and sustainability are intertwined in a venerable but also dynamic milieu. Then the graduate is confronted with the reality of the profession, which is both promising and threatening, alluring and uncertain.

The societal role of architecture is changing. It is increasingly difficult to define the range of knowledge and competence that the future architect should acquire during the studies. Often the architect’s work is reduced to superficial understanding by the public, other disciplines and even architects themselves, whether it is in the symbolic or ethical sense, or with regard to technology, ecology, nostalgia, contextualisation, history or avant-garde.

At the UL FA, there is a strong and valued tradition that the professors fulfil the roles of teachers, researchers and practitioners at the same time. The reliable hand of the professors with practical experience is all the more important for the students to acquire a mindset, which helps them to move across the vast space of the studies, before entering the professional career, without losing their professional and ethical compass.

However, the quality of a school is not measured by the work of the teachers, but by the work of its graduates. The undergraduate theses set the bar for future generations. The level of knowledge, skills and discipline is important, but this by itself is not enough. I believe that the role of the school is not only to support and develop architectural knowledge and talents, but also the experimental and research passion that gives rise to new architectural ideas, visions and projects. The presented theses was distinguished by the fact that the graduates refused to be satisfied by their achievement only, but rather they developed new concepts and ideas and created new boundaries. Only five undergraduate theses from 2014 were chosen for this presentation; however, in the library and the web-portal at there are many others that bring joy to the authors, mentors and students, and make room for further studies, comparison and competition.

Mojca Golobič: Doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture  Read more ...

University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia
Why the doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture? Acknowledging that landscape is a complex system, that the quality of landscape means the quality of life, and that it is the basis of independence and cultural heritage, we should make our decisions about landscape based on theoretically sound concepts and empirical data.

The doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture is carried out in the framework of the doctoral studies in Biosciences at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Within the doctoral study programme we aim to train and educate experts for research and academic work in landscape architecture and in interdisciplinary fields concerned with spatial planning and environmental protection. Although these fields are not necessarily sciences in their essence, the responsibility to the public and the complexity of problems ask for well argued and reliable decisions that must be based on research results. The basic research fields are theory of landscape architecture, e.g. theory of design, form, structure, landscape patterns, theory of landscape experience, and methodology of the profession, research and development of new planning procedures/methods. As part of planning activities, landscape architecture has entered distinctly interdisciplinary research, which involves different natural and social sciences, such as geography, ecology, hydrology, spatial sociology, ecological psychology etc., with their own research methods. In the context of the doctoral studies lies the opportunity to develop the specific knowledge that combines the knowledge in other specific research fields. The doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture is focused on the recognition of these needs and on developing the use of scientific instruments for interdisciplinary research.

Currently, the study programme consists of organised lessons (lectures, practicals, presentations of PhD topics etc.) totalling 60 credits (ECTS), while the remaining 120 credits are devoted to individual research work for the PhD thesis. The lectures comprise basic (10 ECTS) and elective (5 ECTS) courses. For the programme in Landscape Architecture, the basic courses are Theory of Landscape Design and Conservation Planning Theory. The elective courses are: Theory of Design, Landscape Design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Methods of Spatial Planning, Typology of the Cultural Landscape, Participative Spatial Planning, and Landscape Anthropology. A doctoral student selects the courses together with the supervisor and field coordinator, in relation to the research field of the PhD thesis. The choice of at least one basic course from the selected field of study is required. The choice of other courses is possible from among all other basic and elective courses and from other comparable programmes of domestic and foreign universities.

The doctoral study programme in Biosciences is currently being revised; there will be no more compulsory courses and the student will be free to choose among the courses in all 16 fields that are part of the Biosciences study programme. Along with Landscape Architecture, other fields include Agronomy, Economics of Natural Resources, Horticulture, and Protection of the Natural Heritage. In the revised programme in Landscape Architecture the number of courses will be reduced; it will mostly consist of the contents that are not delivered at level II, but rather have the complexity required for level III. A course in the field of theory in landscape design and the course Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis will be introduced. Another elective course in the field of complex spatial (computer) analyses is also being prepared.

Since the PhD work is mainly research-based, we encourage the students who enrol to already have a general idea about the research question that they intend to address in their thesis. If possible the students are included in ongoing projects or we help them in applications for projects, to secure the necessary conditions for their PhD research. In recent years, the following PhD theses were prepared as part of the programme in Landscape Architecture:
The role of certain senses in creating the regional identity of Dalmatia,
Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns,
Simulation of spatial development processes using machine learning techniques,
Designed landscape complexity,
Influence of landscape scenarios on stakeholder attitudes and actions,
Landscape as a factor in directing urbanisation in housing planning.

Aleksander Saša Ostan: Architectural Creativity and Educational Processes in a Time of Global Crisis  Read more ...

Atelier Ostan Pavlin, Slovenia
Architecture is an activity that requires both playful creativity and persistent discipline. The former is prevalent in arts, and the latter more prevalent in sciences; however, the complementary and dynamic balance between both characteristics is the condition necessary for the design of quality architecture. Therefore, the overall transcendence of the different dualisms and distinct antagonisms in creative processes is immanent in our discipline. This is a particular challenge for teachers whose role is to enhance students’ sensibilities and perceptions, forging creative links between different complementarities: between analytical and synthetic thinking, central and peripheral vision, between the left and right cerebral hemispheres, mental and emotional processes, male and female principles, active and contemplative layers of creativity, experience and work.

Translated into the architectural context, these dialogues can be seen as the links between the old and the new, tradition and experiment, valuation and research, protection and invention. To push forward only one of both poles of work is to prevent the establishment of healthy, balanced, professional and human bases, i.e. conditions for a mature and creative education process, as well as for future comprehensive, fulfilling and successful work in practice.
Let us touch on some other topics to learn about the kind of world we send our young graduates into.

1. Our planet is dangerously out of balance

The global ecological crisis, a cause for concern, is the only true common denominator of all global crises that are directly concerned with space. It extends from the Arctic to the Antarctic (global warming), from Katrina to Fukushima, from European extreme floods to African mega-droughts, from crazy forest burning in the Amazon to 'fucking fracking' in Alaska, from devastating Syrian/Iraqi/Afghan wars to the rapid megacity growth in China etc. Without doubt, the crisis is a product of man’s insatiable greed, the human imperative of the necessary, permanent economic growth. Anyone, particularly any student of architecture, must be aware of the long-term causality of human interference.
2 How to tackle the insatiable hyper-urbanisation of our planet?

The acute problem in the world today, which is more or less the concern of the profession, is the overblown, rapid global (sub)urbanisation, spanning over all continents. Not only that it erases the differences between different natural and man-made contexts, but it also destroys the resource where all human activities take place, i.e. space. The quality of these present-day urban explosions, generated and driven by profit, is mostly low. Only sustainable spatial development can provide an alternative: paradigm of restricting the pathological, disperse urbanisation with quality, organic growth and upgrading of cities. These processes include reurbanisation, regeneration and revitalisation of the settlement heritage worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the views, to teach open communication, and to cultivate an integrated approach in the study process. To teach how to develop space in a (more) harmonious way, without using up all Earth’s resources. Partial or particular knowledge can only be complementary knowledge feeding the whole, in the way that the individual courses can only be a good support to a comprehensive and integrated seminar or study work.
3 Can architecture and urbanism still help to solve the problems of the world?

What is the significance of a 'cute little house', a 'funky museum', or yet another 'generic settlement' on the planetary ship that seems to be sinking? Are all our efforts and the time dedicated to the isolated particles of the whole still worth all our considerable efforts? What is the correct relationship between 'knowing almost everything about almost nothing, and knowing almost nothing about almost everything'? Will we still orient our educational efforts towards escaping from real problems; leaning on more or less empty formalisms that not only cannot, but will not participate in solving the complex problems of the world? I believe that we can connect both: to creatively tackle the professional tasks as the small Demiurge, as it were, along with being critically aware that the Sword of Damocles of the perishing world is hanging above us! However, for such a relationship, the students need an invitation to an informed, critical, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, participatory team approach, which opens creativity and supports the individual’s confidence. An early start in the educational process is necessary; the school can build on the healthy general basis and offer state-of-the-art professional and intellectual completion or upgrading.
4 The phenomena of spatial planning and quality architecture in Slovenia are completely unrecognized

The society – from political decision-makers to different publics – is not aware of the great significance of architecture and spatial planning for quality of living, psychological and physical health of citizens, social cohesion and alienation of the society, stimulation and de-stimulation of human creativity. The difficult, almost 50-year old heritage of collective systemic oblivion, of self-build and illegal building, split with indifferent permissiveness and deregulation of transition was the basis of the blunt, 'atopic' mentality insensitive to the questions of the beautiful, public and creative space that it occupies. And yet, architects, urban designers, landscape architects and spatial planners are supposed to be the creative guardians and spatial designers, the sensitive conscience and awareness at the same time. The profession of an architect in Slovenian should be regulated, operating in the name, and for protection, of the general good, as is the case elsewhere in the developed Europe (except for maybe in Bulgaria and Albania ...). Ultimately, our real space is the only true vessel of living that we have on this planet (its virtual version can only be a better or worse medium or a surrogate): it is a universal good with which the society has to deal with carefully, rationally, and, of course, creatively! We should be aware of the contribution of quality town planning, spatial planning and architecture, and why in developed countries these disciplines are recognised as the long-term 'national interest', ranging from economy, energy to ecology. Between protection and (co)design of space there is, in fact, a range of creative possibilities, which can help the society to improve or worsen the conditions of a healthy, open, creative life!
5 How to teach architecture in these turbulent times?

»There is hope in honest error. None in the icy perfections of the mere stylist.« (Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Glasgow, 1901) The transitional conjuncture that supported bloated projects, which were not within the actual abilities of the society, is over; we should stimulate innovation in the profession, not so much in the sense of wasteful formalistic experiments, but as comprehensive, ecological, social, energy studies etc. Schools of architecture should reintroduce the broader, comprehensive, integrated comprehension of space, and reconnect with it; this is the basic dimension of quality, sustainable, contextual, regional architecture. It has become clear that cities should not go on expanding ad infinitum into natural areas, but should primarily upgrade their 'organic growth': therefore, more and more future work will involve renovating the existing stock: reurbanisation, revitalisation, regeneration, recycling etc. In Slovenia more attention should be given to these topics. Ultimately, the students are being prepared for independent work in the profession: it seems reasonable to open their understanding and sensitivity towards creative understanding, processes, and principles, rather than to produce the perfect end product (teaching architecture still servilely follows the demands of the globalised, generic market focused only on the structure, or even less than that, e.g. the design of its façade membrane). Along with the individual’s personal growth, a mature end product can be normally achieved only with professional maturity that comes at a later stage of work. This is why young people and professionals are raised in the sense of personal maturity and uprightness, not only in the academic and professional sense. In unpredictable and creatively turbulent times of crisis, the individual’s autonomy is one of the best companions to creative survival, since less and less jobs will be there waiting, while the profession, combined with responding to one’s 'inner calling' and the social situation, will be shaped by the young experts themselves!
6 The necessity to open up and connect architecture

If the professions concerned with space, particularly architecture, want once again to be recognised as relevant and, indeed, indispensable, we should, on the one hand, deepen our knowledge and research within our own creative field, and, on the other hand, open ourselves to cooperation with other, particularly related, professions. Hence, the study must enable and promote expansion and deepening of knowledge in cooperation with technical disciplines and science (from research in the building industry to experiments in cutting edge physics), as well as with art disciplines and human sciences. The related and often overlooked disciplines are architectural theory, history of architecture and arts, ethnology and anthropology, philosophy and psychology, sociology and ethics etc. Today, all these professions, wanting to transcend their field, are connected and complementary to each other; however, each has its own centre and mostly functions within it, while architecture due to its generalist nature, at least since Vitruvius onwards, connects and moves across all these fields. Of course, architecture in both the professional and human sense must not end up only in the service of politics, controversial capital and other particularistic interests, which is all too often the case.

The time of the crisis is the optimal time to check the baselines and mission of the profession, to establish the awareness about the necessity of in-depth knowledge in architecture and, indeed, the wisdom about it. Even though the primary mission of architecture is not production of isolated, merely 'beautiful' objects, but comprehensive, responsible and creative work in the field of architectural culture, a part of its significance is reflected through them: similarly to the way that any good and honest thought is inscribed in the spiritual space-time of humanity, each mature architectural activity brings to Earth another fragment of beauty and truth – may it be the smallest of houses –, which is yet another piece in the mosaic created for a better tomorrow of the planet.

Thomas Dillinger: Doctoral Studies in Spatial Planning at the Technischen Universität Wien  Read more ...

TUW - Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
In the year 1902 the Technische Universität Wien awarded the first doctoral degrees. Nowadays the doctoral programme usually lasts for six semesters. In addition to the dissertation, the current standardised programme for doctoral students stipulates that a total of 180 ECTS of modules (162 ECTS of which are the dissertation) must be completed. The doctoral programme is assessed in the viva voce, a general examination by a committee involving defence of the dissertation by the candidate.

Graduates of a doctorate in the technical sciences are awarded the title Dr. techn., graduates of a doctorate in the natural sciences are awarded the title of Dr. rer. nat. and graduates of a doctorate in the social and economic sciences are awarded the title of Dr.rer.soc.oec.. In the Faculty of Architecture and Planning the Dr. techn. is the dominant awarded title.

The curriculum of Spatial Planning (at that time a five years programme awarding the academic title Dipl.-Ing.) was founded in the seventies. Already in the year 1972 the first Dr. techn. in the field of Spatial Planning was awarded. Since now 80 doctoral students graduated. Actually about 70 students are registered in a doctoral programme in Spatial Planning. The topics include various fields of Spatial Planning and are in general free of choice by the candidate and finally negotiated with the advisor of the thesis. In the last years the Faculty of Architecture and Planning developed with other faculties, universities and institutions the following four specific doctoral programmes:

International Doctoral College: Spatial Research Lab

This college was established in 2007 together with HafenCity University of Hamburg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, University of Stuttgart and the Technical University of Munich. The International Doctoral College is open to excellently qualified candidates from a wide range of spatially relevant disciplines who would like to engage in an intensive, academically creative discourse on difficult, spatially relevant problems within the framework of a doctoral thesis (PhD) and with a view to elaborating viable and innovative attempts at solutions.

The first College was concentrated on perspectives of Spatial Development in European Metropolitan Areas. Selected research results are published in Forschungslabor Raum_Das Logbuch.

The framework theme for the second Doctoral College in the period 2013–2016 is »Transformation of Cities and Landscapes«. The diverse changes taking place in living environments with the predominantly inward focus on infill development, changes in the fields of mobility, landscape, demographics, energy, and not least climate change, call for integrated, demonstrable strategies and concepts for comprehensive, holistic transformation. In order to explore and delimit their research topics the doctoral students at the various universities and institutes of higher education will analyse significant spatial issues relating to the transformation of cities and landscapes of national and European importance in Switzerland, Germany and Austria (

Doctoral College: Energy and Resource Awareness in Urban and Regional Development

This Doctoral College is part of the Research Focus »Energy and Environment« of the Technischen Universität Wien and offers 10 doctoral positions under specific supervision of professors from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning. It started 2013 and concentrates on the following ten different topics on Energy and Resource Awareness:

  • Infrastructure economics and policy, and sustainable resource consumption: Modelling and overcoming the unsustainable »lock-in«

  • Urban and regional planning and renewable energies – strategic challenges, potentials, tools And implementation

  • Low - carbon strategies in urban and regional planning – challenges, needs, potentials, tools and implementation

  • Smart City as a socio-technical innovative process

  • Strategic Planning of energy efficient Smart Cities and Regions
    Social behaviour in the fields of energy consumption and mobility

  • Strategic spatial concepts for an energy-conscious infill development of settlements

  • Model-based computational decision support for large-scale energy efficiency measures in the built urban environment

  • Promoting the integration of energy and mobility policies through governance – structures and processes

  • Mobility Management in the Smart City Context

Doctoral College: Urban Energy and Mobility Systems
In Cooperation with the Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG (Vienna Public Utilities Company) the course entitled »Urban Energy and Mobility Systems« (URBEM-DK) has been developed and offered 10 doctoral positions. The goal is the research and development of scenarios for the path to a »sustainable, supply-secure, affordable and liveable city«, using the example of the city of Vienna with an integrated and inter-disciplinary approach. Six faculties from the University work together in this college. The College includes modelling of the Vienna passenger transport system, analysis of the energy patterns of the building stock, simulation of the distribution networks, storage, feed-in points for thermal energy and gas and electricity, and the study of the ICT requirements by urban Smart Grids. Building on this, perspectives will be developed that will arise across this whole system over the coming centuries, in particular with regard to the interface with buildings-related energy supply and demand (

PhD Programme: CI-NERGY Smart cities with sustainable energy systems
Just recently the University joined the CI-Network and offers two doctoral positions. The CI-NERGY Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) aims to train young scientists to develop urban decision making and operational optimisation software tools to minimise non-renewable energy use in cities. The training will be carried out by a close collaboration of six of the best academic research centres and four leading industrial companies from the energy and software technology sector (Siemens, WienEnergie, EDF/EIFER, and IES). The research fellows will apply their results in two case study cities (Geneva and Vienna), which were chosen for their very ambitious sustainability goals. The CI-NERGY network will be a highly multi-disciplinary coordinated PhD programme on urban energy sustainability, covering the key challenges in cities related to a low carbon future (

As shown there is a trend to offer thematic Colleges for interested doctoral students. This strategy has the big advantage that the students can develop their theses in a »research cluster« with other universities and institution in an international environment. Through these clusters it is also easier for the University to offer at least partly financed doctoral research work. This is a big advantage in the competition among the universities to get the best »young researcher« in this field. Nevertheless the appropriate approach that a doctoral student formulates his research question is very much supported in the field of Spatial Planning. It guaranties a wide spectrum in doctoral research.

The Faculty of Architecture and Planning is very much encouraging all kind of activities, which help to bring forward doctoral research. Especially in the – compared to other scientific disciplines – young discipline of Spatial Planning the promotion of doctoral degrees is considered more and more as very important element for the future scientific development.
Literature and sources:
Department für Raumplanung (2013). Accessed on 01 July 2014.
Entwicklungsplan 2013+ (2013). Technische Universität Wien Accessed on 30 July 2014.
Forschungszentrum "Energie und Umwelt" (2014). Technische Universität Wien Accessed on 01 July 2014.
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (2014). Accessed on 01.July 2014.
International Doctoral College “Spatial Research Lab” (2012). Accessed on 01 July 2014.

Matjaž Četina: Built Environment – The Third-Cycle Study Programme at the UL FGG  Read more ...

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia
The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana (UL FGG) also provides the third-cycle doctoral study programme Built Environment. The study programme covers four scientific areas: Civil Engineering, Geodesy, Spatial Planning and Land Management, and Geology, of which Civil Engineering is the most extensive. In Slovenia, the study areas of Geodesy and Spatial Planning and Land Management are provided only at UL FGG. The area of Spatial Planning and Land Management is interdisciplinary, and it is provided for students from various graduate programmes. The study area of Geology was designed jointly with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of the University of Ljubljana ((UL NTF) to cover the main areas of geological sciences; at the same time, it focuses on the specific geological conditions in the wider Central European and Mediterranean areas. The faculty also provides the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Environmental Protection.

The basic goal of the doctoral programme Built Environment is to educate highly trained researchers in the individual scientific areas covered by the programme. The programme's goal is to qualify the graduates for the scientific way of thinking and problem solving, as well as for cooperation in solving difficult practical problems using an interdisciplinary approach. The graduates will be capable of creative and independent scientific research and problem solving in their future employments. They will be qualified to approach problems in a scientific way by using the latest scientific methods, to critically assess the research results, to develop new research methods, and to transfer new technologies and knowledge into practice.

The study programme is dynamic and scientifically oriented, encouraging the creativity of young graduates able to perform the most demanding scientific research work after the completion of their studies.

In terms of its contents and methodology, the proposed doctoral programme Built Environment is the continuation of the 1st and 2nd cycle studies. It represents the scientific upgrade of the studies in civil engineering, geodesy, spatial planning, environmental engineering, construction, and geology.

The main emphasis of the doctoral study will be research, the interdisciplinarity of the studies, and the cooperation with internationally recognised domestic and foreign experts. A special emphasis will be on the adequate relationship between the doctoral student and the supervisor. The whole programme is evaluated according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and may thus be involved in international student exchange programmes with the countries using this system.


Anja Jutraž, Tadeja Zupančič:
The Role of Architect in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design Studios
Creative Commons License IU/CG, 2/2014, 34-42.

Nuša Voda:
Recording of Building Development Patterns in Rural Areas: Case of Podravska region
Creative Commons License IU/CG, 2/2014, 44-53.

Projects, Workshops, Competitions, Presentations and Theses

SHAPE - Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea page 75
Urban Design, Urban-Architectural and spatial Planning Workshops page 77-110
Šijana Roundabout page 114
2100: Green Housing for the Future / Pile Dweelers page 116
Smart Urbanism - Teaching Sustainability page 120
Man and Space page 122
Andreas Dillinger: From Pioneer Instrument to Strategy - What's Next? page 126
Uroš Rozman: Spatial Placement of the Drava Cycling Path Between Dravograd and Središče ob Dravi page 130
Eva Purkarthofer: 'Nobody knew what to expect': The effects of Austria's EU membership on spatial planning and planning actors page 134
Gregor Turnšek: Urbanistic Study of Gruber Canal Area and Revitalization of Sports Park Kodeljevo in Ljubljana page 136
Alja Košir: Urbanistic Design for the Sava River Park and a Comprehensive Extension and Renovation of the Village Stožice page 140
Marko Coloni: Twin Towers on Dunajska Avenue page 144
Tina Kolar Mušič: The Past for the Future, Programme and Architectural Development of the Southern Area next to the Church of St. Martin, Ponikva page 148
Nina Eminagić: Conceptual Design of the Sarajevo Film Festival Open Air Theatre in Sarajevo page 152
Pia Šooš: Adapting to climate change using landscape architecture planning tools in Ljubljana urban region page 156

PDF (6.89M) DOI: 10.15292/IU-CG.2014.02