IU-CG No 11/2023

Call for Papers

We invite you to submit your contribution to the Journal. The editorship publishes scientific articles on an ongoing basis, after successfully completed review process. The complete Journal is published at the end of each year."

Last Issue ...

Article thumbnail

 Instructions for authors

The journal shall publish peer-reviewed scientific articles, book reviews, presentations of research and professional projects, workshop presentations, presentations of scientific and professional meetings, presentations of professional visits, scientific conferences and similar. ...


Reviewers thumbnail

 Instructions for reviewers

A review can be defined as a critical, multi-layered, written evaluation of the value of a scientific or professional work intended for publication. The basic goal of the review is to provide the Editors with the information they need to reach a decision whether to publish a manuscript or not. ...



Scientific journal
Creativity Game

The journal CREATIVITY GAME (CG) – Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning is free-of-charge and available online at journal's website. There is no Article Processing Fee charged to authors and articles are immediately available on the journal website once published. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website).

About the journal
Creativity Game

The idea behind the founding of the journal IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI (IU) – teorija in praksa urejanja prostora / CREATIVITY GAME (CG) – Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning emerged from a successful scientific monograph with the same title Creativity Game published in 2012.

Total No. of Published Contributions in Journal

as off January 2023, in 10 Issues


Scientific Papers


Professional Papers


Presentations of Student Workshops


Projects Presentations


Master Thesis Presentations