Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 3 | Year 2015 | ISSN 2350-3637

Velimir Stojanović:

Causes and consequences of the cycle of changes in urban morphology: Urban theory and practice

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2015.03.038-043 | UDK 711.4 | SUBMITTED: 06/2015 | REVISED: 09/2015 | PUBLISHED: 10/2015
Author's affiliation: University of Pristina, Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Kosovo

The cycles of change in urban morphology have a historical dimension related to those flows of historical events which with its power and influence effect the change of both past and current morphological conditions, with the set of thoughts in the future. These flows of historical trends as a rule do not have a close relationship with the urban morphology, except in rare cases. The dynamic effects in space tells us about the alienation of flows and the nature of their internal events that usually do not care too much about the consequences and cause – effects points of their ideas, interests and goals, acting on the state of urban morphology, as in parts and in its entirety. This paper presents the cycle between causes , reasons, influences and consequences of changes. Spatial research was made through urban morphology, structure and the presence of order/ spatial conditions in the theory and its practise. The cycles of change, with their quantitative and qualitative expression in time and space, therefore do not have only the algorithm of events, as mathematical, abstract expression/shape and objective and visual presentation of this abstract shape can be expressed and displayed in many ways.

morphology, cycle, change, cause, consequence, rule


Stojanović, V. (2015). Causes and consequences of the cycle of changes in urban morphology: Urban theory and practice. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (3), 38-43.

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