Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 1 | Year 2013 | ISSN 2350-3637

Gregor Čok:

URBANIST WORKSHOPS BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE The Importance of Spatial and Programme Reference Levels in the Planning Method

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2013.01.086-095 | UDK 71(082) | SUBMITTED: February 2013 | REVISED: April 2013 | PUBLISHED: July 2013
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia


One of the key characteristics of urban-architectural workshops as a soft planning method is above all the fact that the authors are free of burden of formal facts and reference levels of the local environment, which do not influence the concept and the working process. Within this framework, the workshop presents an opportunity for the creator to focus primarily on the core of the problem, and work creatively towards a substantiated professional solution.

In addition to the basic reference levels (programme, client’s needs, characteristics of space etc.) certain other circumstances such as ownership, economic, technical, local political and spatial development limitations can have a significant influence on the planning process and final project realisation. Their conscious exclusion from the set of reference levels can lead to formation of solely theoretical models, which are not generally acceptable and which, as a consequence, cannot be practically implemented.

spatial reference levels, programme reference levels, project conditions, work methodology, variety spatial solutions, cooperation of public, project realisation

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Čok, G. (2013). URBANIST WORKSHOPS BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE The Importance of Spatial and Programme Reference Levels in the Planning Method. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (1), 86-95.

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