Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 1 | Year 2013 | ISSN 2350-3637

Tomaž Krušec:

COMPARISON OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN WORKSHOP: In the Town of Križevci pri Ljutomeru And the Jelovica Architectural Workshop

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2013.01.054-059 | UDK | SUBMITTED: April 2013 | REVISED: May 2013 | PUBLISHED: July 2013
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia

The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the key advantages and potential disadvantages of the different types of architectural workshops and architectural/urban design workshops, i.e. based on an analysis and comparison of two workshops: architectural and urban design workshop in the town of Križevci pri Ljutomeru and the architectural workshop organised by the Jelovica Hiše d.o.o. company. The first workshop tried to find practical solutions to certain spatial problems of the town that the workshop addressed, while the client of the second workshop expected from the students to develop innovative solutions in using a specific building system for designing contemporary residential typologies. The differences in expectations meant that the workshops were carried out differently. In the first workshop, it was essential that the students stayed in the town that was the subject of the workshop, while in the second one, it was important that the students grasped the characteristics of the technological process and the special features of the building. To achieve this, the students made several visits to the company’s production plants and, as an end product of the workshop, the students had to produce a part of their designed structure. This was a most direct way of familiarising themselves with the way of building.

architectural and urban design workshop, client, building system, residential typology, technological process, analysis, wooden construction, spatial context


Krušec, T. (2013). COMPARISON OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN WORKSHOP: In the Town of Križevci pri Ljutomeru And the Jelovica Architectural Workshop. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (1), 54-59.

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