Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 7 | Year 2019 | ISSN 2350-3637

Gregor Čok1, Mojca Furman Oman2:

Working at Home as a Spatial Phenomenon – Architectural and Urbanistic Aspects of Regulating Working at Home

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2019.07.038-045 | UDK 331.103:72 | SUBMITTED: 9/2019 | REVISED: 9/2019 | PUBLISHED: 10/2019
Author's affiliation: 1 Univeristy of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia, 2 Metro SR, Zavod za prostor Savinjske regije Celje, Slovenia

In Slovenia, working at home is a traditionally present spatial paradigm with many positive implications for social development. This paper presents the results of a study that focused on the analysis of its manifestations, existing regulatory instruments, and the definition of measures for improving the situation in the field of its spatial regulation. Working at home occurs in a wide range of spatial solutions, from small-scale conversions or extensions to introduction of large building volumes into a settlement’s structure. Compared to operations in a business zone, its advantages are reflected in reduced labour and housing costs and in the mobilisation of owners’ property capacities. The negative consequences include increased freight transport, noise, and introduction of the typology of business buildings into the morphologically completed residential areas. This decreases the anthropogenic quality of the living environment and the potential value of properties. In most cases, the conditions that the existing spatial planning documents provide for are too vague to support the architectural and urbanistic transformation of residential buildings and the presence of disposal sites of raw materials, products, and technological waste. Along with the boundary values of noise, emissions, and other impacts determined by formal norms, it is also necessary to recognise the visual effect of modified buildings and their cumulative impacts on the wider living environment. At the spatial planning level we need to define the appropriate policy regarding the developmental significance and scope of working at home in individual spatial planning units, while at the implementing level we need efficient design conditions to develop high-quality functional and design solutions, which will support rational spatial interventions and their acceptability in the context of the local community.

work at home, spatial forms, regulation, spatial planning acts, environmental impacts


Čok, G., Furman Oman, M. (2019). Working at Home as a Spatial Phenomenon – Architectural and Urbanistic Aspects of Regulating Working at Home. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (7), 38-45.

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