Instructions to Reviewers


A review can be defined as a critical, multi-layered, written evaluation of the value of a scientific or professional work intended for publication. The basic goal of the review is to provide the Editors with the information they need to reach a decision whether to publish a manuscript or not. It should prevent the publication of plagiarism and manuscripts that provide incorrect results. Another goal of the review is to provide feedback to the author about the weaknesses and errors of their work and allow the author to correct or improve the quality of the submitted manuscript.

The review shall make sure that the manuscripts for Igra ustvarjalnosti (IU) / Creativity Game (CG) are presented in accordance with relevant Slovenian and international standards. The manuscripts should adhere to the principles of good writing.

The Instructions to Authors, published on the journal website, present the most relevant set of guidelines for authors and reviewers. A Review Form is available to ease and unify the work of reviewers. The provided Review Form is used for peer reviews of scientific manuscripts. For other types of manuscripts, the reviewers are requested to complete the form with due alterations, and leave out the elements that fall outside the scope of the manuscripts.

After the review, the reviewer recommends the classification of the type of the manuscript:

Journal Igra ustvarjalnosti (IU) / Creativity Game (CG) is currently published in electronic format only, and uses an electronic submission and review process. To unify the process and, also, to protect reviewer anonymity, please find below some technical instructions for inserting comments and recommendations directly into the text of the manuscript.

A guide and a form for manuscript reviewers

The insertion of revisions and comments directly into the text of the manuscript is made in the Word file, by turning on the Track Changes command on the Review tab. The command has to be set before you start editing. It is also important to first change the initials to make sure that the review is anonymous.
The filled-out form should be returned to the journal's e-mail address:

A detailed guide and a form for manuscript reviewers
In the Review Form, the reviewer should enter any relevant comments in the space provided and mark an (x) (by clicking the relevant box) in the checklist to address the different aspects of the manuscript. Also, space is provided for the reviewer to add any specific observations and argumentations that cannot be provided in other sections of the form, i.e. requests for revisions and edits of the text and recommendations to authors.
The filled-out form should be returned to the journal's e-mail address:

PDF file - 0,65 MB

The provided Review Form is used for peer reviews of scientific manuscripts. For other types of manuscripts, the reviewers are requested to complete the form with due alterations, and leave out the elements that fall outside the scope of the manuscripts.
.docx Word file - 0,56 kb