Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 8 | Year 2020 | ISSN 2350-3637

Jernej Červek:

Sustainability Approaches to Urban Planning: Re-Cycling Urbanism

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2019.07.012-019 | UDK 711.4: 502.131.1 | SUBMITTED: 08/2020 | REVISED: 09/2020 | PUBLISHED: 11/2020
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia

While the growth of global urban centres is primarily attributable to population growth, Slovenian towns are stagnating due to suburbanization. The urban centres have failed to timely adapt to new forms of living, climate change and excessive energy consumption; in consequence they are becoming cramped, unhealthy and wasteful. This has led to criticisms of existing development paradigms and operative lack of responsiveness on the part of sustainable policies. Based on relevant literature on sustainability – urban policies, concepts, and urban forms –, the paper shows that town planning approaches in Slovenia still primarily deal with solving problems of necessary investments, leaving comprehensive urban solutions based on long-term visions on hold. Meanwhile, the global contemporary town planning approaches based on sustainability principles tend towards interventions into existing urban space. One such approach is urban recycling; a form of urban intervention aimed at adaption of the urban environments to contemporary needs on the basis of comprehensive approach which includes collecting and analysing data on the existing situation and integrates observations with practice.

re-cycling, urbanism, sustainable cities, town planning, urban design


Červek, J. (2020). Sustainability Approaches to Urban Planning: Re-Cycling Urbanism. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (8), 12-19.

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