Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 6 | Year 2018 | ISSN 2350-3637
Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik:
The Impacts of Interior Space on Children in Schools and Kindergartens
DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2018.082-089 |
UDK 747:378 |
SUBMITTED: 10/2018 |
REVISED: 11/2018 |
PUBLISHED: 11/2018
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia
Studies, as well as experience, show that learning space plays an important part in children’s education. The experts believe it has the role of the third teacher, which is an important and responsible role. This article stresses the importance of constructed learning space and focuses on physical parameters providing residential comfort – heat comfort, light comfort, acoustic comfort and the air quality of internal spaces. The assessed parameters of comfort have been gaining importance in the last ten years based on numerous studies proving their significance and particularly revealing the negative impact on children’s health and wellbeing, but also their school success and progress. On the long path of education from kindergarten to university, a child spends a significant amount of time in school, therefore the negative potential of constructed environment should not be overlooked.
The architect is the designer of the space and therefore has an influence on the quality of the constructed environment in the early stages of planning – the functional design of the building structure has to provide daylight and at the same time prevent the space from overheating, it has to provide acoustic comfort, the selected materials of the building’s envelope and furniture must not emit harmful substances, and the inbuilt technological systems have to provide an adequate temperature regulating and continuous air exchange.
KEYWORDS schools, negative environmental impacts on children’s health, thermal comfort, light comfort, acoustic comfort, interior air quality
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