Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 6 | Year 2018 | ISSN 2350-3637

Marija Maruna1, Jelena Radosavljević2:

Transition as a Stimulus for Innovative Teaching Methodology in Planning Theory

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU‑CG.2018.06.090-098 | UDK 711.4:378 (497.16) | SUBMITTED: 8/2018 | REVISED: 9/2018 | PUBLISHED: 11/2018
Author's affiliation: 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Serbia , 2 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Serbia

Planning theory can be perceived as a great challenge in teaching master’s-level studies. Planning schools and authors throughout the world have developed diverse approaches to address this problem, drawing attention to the issues of what skills to offer – practical ones or skills related to the complexity of the socio-political context of urban planning. An additional question that arises in countries in transition is how to teach planning theory under their specific conditions of land privatisation and constant changes to legislation, regulation, procedures, and the process of establishment of a new planning paradigm. Following these challenges, the Planning Theory course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, presents a pedagogical model based on analysis of controversial cases in contemporary urban planning practice in Belgrade. An innovative methodology is conceptualised through multiple research steps that entail collection and analysis of publicly available information, including all statements of the stakeholders involved in the process of urban development. The paper focuses on the observation of relationships between information, values, and power imposed as key challenges in understanding the process of space production. The research presents the results of applying this methodology during the 2015/16 academic year on the case study of Belgrade Waterfront, the city’s largest and most controversial development project in the last 25 years. The main goal of the research is to present how an innovative methodology can contribute to the improvement of specific reflective planning skills: communication, negotiation, decision-making, and critical thinking about contemporary urban development.

transition, teaching methodology, critical thinking, planning skills, Serbia


Maruna, M., Radosavljević, J. (2018). Transition as a Stimulus for Innovative Teaching Methodology in Planning Theory. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (6), 90-98.‑CG.2018.06.090-098

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