Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 5 | Year 2017 | ISSN 2350-3637

Mojca Furman Oman:

The School under the Bridge: (Non-)fencing Off Public Spaces

Creative Commons License DOI | UDK 711.1:37 | SUBMITTED: 5/2017 | REVISED: | PUBLISHED: 11/2017
Author's affiliation: Metro SR, Zavod za prostor Savinjske regije Celje, Slovenia

The School Under the Bridge, a metaphor taken from Ivan Cankar, was used as a way to raise awareness and inform the youth about the importance of shared public space. This was done in an informal way, outside the classroom in the chosen public space. The project addressed the topic of (non-) fencing off public spaces, a current problem in Slovenia and particularly in Celje. In addition, the project discussed the question of another current topic – why and what do we fence ourselves from? Aren't fences the reflection of political situation in Slovenia and in Europe that is currently putting up its fences? The project responded to this provocative question through incorporation of architecture: the material, normally used to construct fences, was transformed into urban furniture that encourages socialising and social contacts among public space users.

fencing, public space, city, urban planning, education


Furman Oman, M. (2017). The School under the Bridge: (Non-)fencing Off Public Spaces. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (5), 90-93.

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