Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | 5 | 2017 | ISSN 2350-3637
Alen Mangafić1, Mitja Košir2, Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek2:
Determination of Solar Irradiation in Urban Areas with an Open Source GIS Model: Application on the Example of the Rožna dolina in Ljubljana, Slovenia
DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2017.05.068-075 |
UDK 711.4 : 502.21 |
SUBMITTED: 9/2017 |
REVISED: 10/2017 |
PUBLISHED: 11/2017
Author's affiliation: 1 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia
The determination of solar irradiation is crucial when planning the installation of solar systems. There are different GIS models for determining solar irradiation, which differ from each other in terms of input data, hardware requirements, performance, reliability and suitability, depending on the specificity of the study area and the nature of the study. Because of their diversity, urban areas pose a greater challenge for the estimation of the potential of the received solar energy. In the article we offered a methodology for determining the irradiation of urban area roofs using the GRASS GIS model r.sun, which makes the computation with high resolution spatial, atmospheric and meteorological data. The used input data is freely available for the entire territory of Slovenia. The proposed methodological approach was tested in the area of the town quarter Rožna dolina with the northern part of Vič. The area is very diverse according to the typology of the built objects, the land cover and altitude differences.
KEYWORDS solar irradiation, GIS, r.sun, lidar, Copernicus, Molusce
Mangafić, A., Košir, M., Zavodnik Lamovšek, A. (2017). Determination of Solar Irradiation in Urban Areas with an Open Source GIS Model: Application on the Example of the Rožna dolina in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (5), 68-75.
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