Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 4 | Year 2016 | ISSN 2350-3637

Gašper Mrak1, Robert Klinc1:

Encouraging Deep Approach to Learning in Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2016.04.046-054 | UDK 378.147(497.4) | SUBMITTED: 04/2016 | REVISED: 05/2016 | PUBLISHED: 10/2016
Author's affiliation: 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculy of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia

This paper presents activities and changes applied to the teaching process within selected courses offered by Faculty of civil and geodetic engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Theoretical background, evaluated from the point of the technical education needs, is presented. It can be seen that special focus has to be made to the students' motivation for deep learning which guarantees optimal balance between acquisition of concepts and skills, information processing and integration of fragmented pieces of knowledge into complex structures. Three case studies used to test theoretical points of departure are presented. Results of the introduced novelties and changes have been evaluated through the assessment of knowledge, students' satisfaction and teaching staff evaluations. For conclusive results, monitoring over a longer period of time should be conducted.

deep learning, comprehension, higher education, education in technology, Slovenia


Mrak, G., Klinc, R. (2016). Encouraging Deep Approach to Learning in Civil and Geodetic Engineering. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (4), 46-54.

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