DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2015.03.024-029 |
UDK 711.416 |
SUBMITTED: 06/2015 |
REVISED: 09/2015 |
PUBLISHED: 10/2015
Author's affiliation: 1 Ss. Cyril And Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2 UACS Faculty of Architecture and Design Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 3 Ss. Cyril And Methodius University, Faculty of Architecture, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
The perception of elements in a system often creates their interdependence, interconditionality, and suppression. The lines from a basic geometrical element have become the model of a reductive world based on isolation according to certain criteria such as function, structure, and social organisation. Their traces are experienced in the contemporary world as fragments or ruins of a system of domination of an assumed hierarchical unity. How can one release oneself from such dependence or determinism?
How can the lines become less “systematic” and forms more autonomous, and less reductive? How is a form released from modernistic determinism on the new controversial ground? How can these elements or forms of representation become forms of action in the present complex world? In this paper, the meaning of lines through the ideas of Le Corbusier, Leonidov, Picasso, and Hitchcock is presented. Spatial research was made through a series of examples arising from the projects of the architectural studio “Residential Transformations”, which was a backbone for mapping the possibilities ranging from playfulness to exactness, as tactics of transformation in the different contexts of the contemporary world.
KEYWORDS line, tactic, transformation, system, fragment
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