Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 2 | Year 2014 | ISSN 2350-3637
Mia Crnič:
Public open spaces of small centralised settlements: researching the typology of public open spaces and their occurrence in the area of Slovenia
DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2014.02.054-064 |
UDK 378.1:72 |
SUBMITTED: 05/2014 |
REVISED: 06/2014 |
PUBLISHED: 10/2014
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia
The area of Slovenia is rather widely intertwined with a network of centralised areas of various hierarchies. Several researchers (Drozg, Ravbar, Vrišer, Fister, and many others), who used a variety of input data and received adequate results, have been dealing with the topic of the influence of centres, their connections and characteristics. For a settlement to exist, it has to possess a program for the provision of its citizens. At the same time such a settlement has its own characteristics and ingredients at the level of the design of the settlement as well as construction. Fister (1993) dealt with the latter topic while Vrišer (1998) focused on the functionality of settlements and their influence on the catchment areas. In this context the question arises as to whether there is a connection between the categorisation of the Slovenian area in regards to the characteristics of construction by Fister and classification in regards to the program, its importance and the question whether classification criteria exists which could be connected into larger rounded off units with similar characteristics in regards to the building and similar program characteristics of public open spaces by Vrišer.
The basis for researching the problem in question was the comparison of the model by Fister with the model by Vrišer. Acquired results formed the basis for further research of public open spaces connecting constructions in settlements with centres of second level by Vrišer.
KEYWORDS Public open space, small centres, pattern, typology, Slovenia
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