Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 1 | Year 2013 | ISSN 2350-3637
Peter Šenk1, Uroš Lobnik1:
URBAN-ARCHITECTURAL WORKSHOP AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THEORETICAL REFLECTION: Example of the International Urban-Architectural Workshop Maribor-South
DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2013.01.078-084 |
UDK 711.4(082) |
SUBMITTED: January 2013 |
REVISED: April 2013 |
PUBLISHED: July 2013
Author's affiliation: 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovenia
The paper presents the international urban-architectural workshop Maribor-South (2010-11) as a model for “Maribor’s” urban-architectural workshops, which urban planners evaluate and use to direct urban development and theoretical discussion. The presented interdisciplinary project explored possibilities for designing the southern edge of the city in the area where the southern bypass construction is planned. In addition describing the example of the workshop, which develops the theoretical field through a “practical and project approach” with the defined project basis, i.e. the defined area of discussion and project issue, the paper also highlights the opportunity for a “theoretical approach”. The theoretical approach aims at providing a wider insight into the related theoretical field based on a generalised spatial issue. As one of the key priorities of contemporary urban planning and sustainable urban redevelopment, the planned direction of urban development in the areas of constructing transport infrastructure, which is evident in the first approach, moves into a wider referential field (no longer directly related to the project) with the second approach by examining the issues of mobility, space, place, diversity of infrastructures of contemporary space, etc. While in the first approach developing design concepts strives for theoretical conceptualisation, the second approach facilitates focusing on finding links between the theoretical concept and manifestations in real space, though the approaches are always separated. Their operationality is possible only on the level of “combinatorial thinking” and remains beyond direct instrumentality.
KEYWORDS urban-architectural workshop, Maribor-South, city edge, transport infrastructure, bypass, theoretical reflection
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Medmrežje 1: Rem Koolhaas, 2000; with Jennifer Sigler. Pridobljeno 15. 3. 2013 s spletne strani: http://www.