Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 12 | Year 2024 | ISSN 2350-3637

Tomaž Berčič:

The Gradual Process of Change: Integrating Shape Grammars in Parametric Tools

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2024.12.046-054 | UDK 72:004.925.8:37.091.3 | SUBMITTED: 10/2024 | REVISED: 11/2024 | PUBLISHED: 12/2024
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia

The shape grammar methodology presents a compelling tool for students and professionals in design disciplines. This article illustrates the integration of shape grammar with contemporary parametric tools, explicitly avoiding the reliance on specialised custom software to facilitate its application in routine practices. The study’s primary objective is to broaden the discourse on the practical benefits of shape grammar in both educational and professional settings while exploring methods of implementation that enhance user interaction and integration. Current shape grammar tools often fall short in usability due to insufficient integration within commonly used software platforms. This research demonstrates how shape grammar can be implemented within established parametric software, such as Rhinoceros 3D, using Grasshopper. This approach does not claim to be simpler than dedicated interpreters but demonstrates its feasibility within a familiar parametric design environment. The study provides six examples showcasing the application of shape grammar within Rhinoceros 3D, utilising the Grasshopper parametric extension. The findings reveal that the shape grammar methodology can be seamlessly adapted to align with standard tools, facilitating further modifications, re-creation, and evaluation of design data. The adaptability of the shape grammar system underscores its potential applicability across diverse design fields. Using a Visual Programming Language (VPL) embedded directly in the software environment enhances functionality, thereby addressing a significant limitation of shape grammar theory by enabling the evaluation of generated design alternatives.

shape grammar, parametric design, Grasshopper, parametric tools, architecture, education


Berčič, T. (2024). The Gradual Process of Change: Integrating Shape Grammars in Parametric Tools. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (12), 46-54.

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