Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 12 | Year 2024 | ISSN 2350-3637

Ana Skobe:

Metamorphosis or Materiality of Architectural Photography

Creative Commons License DOI IU-CG.2024.12.020-025 | UDK 77.033:72 | SUBMITTED: 8/2024 | REVISED: 9/2024 | PUBLISHED: 11/2024
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia

The incipience of this contribution is the exploration of the materiality of architectural photography through the central concept of metamorphosis, which Akos Moravanszky develops as a key concept of modern architecture in his work Metamorphism: material change in architecture. We will address this through two themes or questions: firstly, the question of architectural materialisation and secondly, the relationship between analogue and digital in photography. The aim is to redefine or expand the concept, to exhibit how the possibilities opened up by contemporary architectural photography in relation to the prob-lem of materiality allow us to see how the key aspect of modern architecture, namely metamorphism, man-ifests itself. This will be a kind of reinforcement of the thesis that architectural photography is a generative force for architecture.

metamorphosis, architecture, photography, materiality, analogue, digital


Skobe, A. (2024). Metamorphosis or Materiality of Architectural Photography. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (12), 20-25.

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