Creativity Game

Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 3 | Year 2015 | ISSN 2350-3637

Gašper Šmid, Gašper Rus, Samo Saje, Martin Klun, Jernej Nejc Lombar, Jan Ratej:

PKP2 Programme Project: Assessment of steel railway bridges condition and review of methodologies for assessment of remaining lifetime.

DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2015.03.100-106 | UDK 624.014.2: 625.1 | SUBMITTED: September 2015 | PUBLISHED: October 2015
Author's affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

The issues of Slovenian railway infrastructure system are discussed. We focused on analyzing steel railway bridges and evaluation of their life expectancy. We gathered the input data from the company Slovenske železnice d.o.o. They include data like geometry and annual traffic loads. Latter we used in computational analysis. In evaluation of life expectancy of steel railway bridges, the fatigue of construction material has crucial affect. It is connected with loads cycles. We established web data base, where basic bridge data, photographs, location and digitalized documentation can be found. We used the methodology for life expectancy assessment for the bridge over Sava river near Litija. As it turns out, the results are sensitive for input parameters. Life expectancy of bridges is difficult to express in a time unit because the fatigue is a complex phenomenon. It is also dependent from the amount of loading (the number of trains, mass and the number of wagons, locomotives, etc.) and the size of cracks on steel construction elements. The results of used methodology are important for comparison of risk assessment between individual bridges.

Fatigue, Life expectancy, Railway infrastructure, Steel railway bridge, Traffic load, Durability, Palmgren – miners rule

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Šmid, G., Rus, G., Saje, S., Klun, M., Lombar, J.N., Ratej, J. (2015). PKP2 Programme Project: Assessment of steel railway bridges condition and review of methodologies for assessment of remaining lifetime. Igra Ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, 3/2015, 100-106.